Mothers Day Always | An afternoon with Freedom Babe Gemma, and her babes!
As we pay our annual tribute to Mum-hood we are reminded that everyday is a true celebration, the giggles, the adventures, the never ending love that we find in our Mumma's and the ones that might as well be.
We took a moment in time to capture one of our beautiful Freedom Babes Gemma Gillard (@_geminem_) and her little loves Scout and Vega in their natural Gold Coast beach habitat. Gemma inspires us with her honest and real approach to Motherhood and family life and reminds us that it's about the journey together, the moments captured and what we learn along the way.

'I also learnt just how much I can love - I didn't even know that amount of love was in me. '

Tell us who Gemma is?
What are your loves, passions, hobbies and things that speak to you?
Apart from the obvious (being a Mum) which I love more than anything, I also love taking photographs. Not so much professionally, but taking photos of my kids is the best little outlet for me since becoming a Mum. I’ve always collected old cameras and played around with them, but since having kids it’s become such a hobbie and I pretty much never leave the house without a camera in my bag.
Another huge part of my life is music! I love sitting down with my husband and kids and playing music together in our little family band- which Scout named “Scouty and the nose rings”.
Listening to music on our record player and watching the kids dance is the best way to wake up in the morning.

What is your fashion style? What are your current key pieces you go to ?
My style is all over the place. I definitely like to wear things that stand out a little bit and are slightly out there.
Key pieces are definitely Levi’s jeans and a denim Levi’s jacket with a vintage tee- you can wear it anywhere!
I’m loving the new Arnhem linen range at the moment too- it’s all so easy to wear!
When I’m heading out somewhere for the night- I’m always wearing Nine Lives Bazaar because it’s just so bright and colourful.
I work in a shoe shop and I’m completely shoe obsessed so I always pick my shoes first and then the outfit.

Tell us a little bit about your family (your kids, age and names, what their personality quirks are? Whats a day like in your family?
My kids are Scout, 4 and Vega is 2.
Scout is our little quirky, out there musical genius. He will make friends with you in 30 seconds and talk your ear off for hours. He is really affectionate and loving and will spend the whole day telling strangers how much he loves them.
Vega is the total opposite- she is really reserved and quiet and it takes her a few hours to warm up to people. She is SUPER smart and you can tell she is just sitting back watching everyone and thinking about everything in her head. Once she has warmed up to you though, she’ll love you forever.
Together they are the best friends and it’s the best watching them. We are pretty lucky in the sense that they hardly ever fight and spend a lot of time cuddling each other and really looking out for one another.
A day in our family is super busy- we don’t stay at home too much and are constantly doing things- my kids have so much energy and when they are out and about we are all happier.

Whats the thing you've realised you love the most about Motherhood?
The best thing I love about motherhood is just raising these two little humans and hearing the kind and caring words that come out of their mouths without any prompting. They blow me away daily with their kindness towards each other, my husband and I and also to other people.

What's something you've found challenging about Motherhood?
I think the most challenging thing is probably getting used to the lack of alone or “me” time that you get. Pre kids you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Once kids come along, there’s no laying in bed and watching a series from start to finish. If you’re sick- you kind of just push it aside and deal with the kids. I think at the start, that was the biggest challenge- but 4 years on and I’ve managed to figure out the perfect balance. Vega’s nap time is a saving grace most days.

What is something you've learned about yourself becoming a Mumma?
The main thing that I've learnt about myself is that I can do so much more than I thought I ever could. Without going into too much detail - Scouty's birth ended in an emergency caesarean and I really wanted a natural birth. When I was pregnant with Vega I never thought I'd be able to have the birth I wanted, and when I did - I felt like I could do anything and it's hugely impacted how I see the rest of my life.
I also learnt just how much I can love - I didn't even know that amount of love was in me.

Tell us what you do as your favourite adventure with your family that brings you all joy?
When my husband has time off work we will pick a random little beach town on the map that we've never heard of and we'll stay there for a few nights. We've done this every 6 months or so since Scout was born and we have discovered some awesome little towns.

Gemma wears: Arnhem Jumpsuit | Arnhem Pants & Rue Stiic Top | Free People Shirt and Jeans | Levi's Jeans and Jacket with Free People Tee
Scout and Vega are wearing 'Sweet Child of Mine' Clothing
All photos by Morgan at Cosmos Companions
Styling: All garments chosen by Gemma herself.